Funny-ass country punk,with a vocalist,who sounds like a King Of The Hill character,becoming more and more intoxicated with each song,until at the end,when he's in the studio talking to,and cursing out, the engineers and producers.A laff-riot,you have got to hear this.And the lyrics are ridiculously funny as well.I couldn't tell you a favorite track,as I like this whole thing,all the way thru.This is a later version ,with bonus tracks.Drunken lunacy!I named one of my bands after the song ,"One Hundred And Fifty-One Owl Caricatures",and another of my bands covered,"Apple Schnapps"!Yee-Haw!
i found this years ago and was under the impression that it was Gibby Haynes because thats what some guy said on Amazon. i can tell its not
really funny album. i prefer Two Graduated Jiggers because it has Texas Genealogy and I Caught Me A Squirrel on it.
I know it ain't Texas but if youse ever come to the sunny ol' Californyiaye youse and me is starting a barnyard band in my garage! Ask Jimbo, Yep!
this is AWESOME. funny as hell man i can just sit back and drink and smoke and laugh my ass off to this anytime. THaanks from Texas!
Sheeee-yit I'm actually the guy who said that on Amazon - according to my lifelong bud who lives in Austin that was the DL behind this record. Yip. 'Sat true. What's another urban legend attached to this classic?
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