The boys are back again ,this time for drugs! Another fab guitar freak-out number ,
"Breakfast Claw Butter Horn" ,showing off Chipmonk's prowess on the axe. All 3 "College Rock Hits" ,are included here (Cares Are Oceans Away , Mushrooms , Goils) ,as well as other psych/indie/alt-rock numbers. A covers medley at the end ,runs thru hits by , The Angry Samoans , Johnny Cash , Black Flag , and Sonic Youth. With titles like "(Thank You ,And Enjoy) Music To Hit Bongs By" and "More Planetarium Music" , you should be able to surmise what to expect. Great drug-rock ,from The FTM underground! Recorded 9/28/1991. The album title is a prime example of truth in advertising!
THE NEW CHRISTY MINSTRELS - Ramblin' LP 63 w Land Of Giants LP 64 w Sing
And Play Cowboys And Indians LP 65 w Greatest Hits LP 66 w You Need Someone
To Love LP 70 w DU blog past rips comp.'s bonus tracks
REPOST and ADD ON: Had only posted the '65 vinyl in the past so all these
songs are new to me. Quite a patriotic band for the U.S.A. so featuring it
17 hours ago