Wednesday, March 26, 2025


 THATS RIGHT! you heard it here first! Sluggisha Tapes is finally pressing the 1984 "lost" LP from New Jersey's ,The Secret Syde!! My cousin Rob was the drummer,and he sadly passed away in 2022,I wish he could be here to witness this swansong of an album,from the greatest 80s neo psych punk band EVER!!    My friend James Von Springspinnen ,re-mastered this bad boy a total of 31 times!!! To get the very best sound ,for maximum Syde effects!!! Every pop ,click,tape dropout,blemish,has been removed,and this record sounds golden!!You can pre-order now at the sluggisha bandcamp  ,and read more about the band. There is a wealth of info on the web about them,and many videos on youtube.Steven Reed did the line art for the cover,and Gray Meatballs colored and did layout for all the rest.Special Secret Syde Sluggisha logo by Thee Epileptic Dragonfly,for now,enjoy these pics ,and GO PRE-ORDER NOW!!!!!!!!! 

                                    almost did a copy color of the first LP "Hidden Secrets"


  an almost full view of the complete drawing by Steven Reed!! where the LP art was taken from!
 super special secret syde sluggisha
                     mascot logo by T.E.D.                     

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

SLUGGISHA'S XMASTRAVAGANZA #14 - 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This year's compilation has 25 bands doing 35 songs! there's punk,metal,rap,hip hop,noise,reggae,ska,lounge,tardcore,industrial and more! But this year is bittersweet as Ed J,the blogmaster here and the CEO of Sluggisha Tapes and Mediachrist,and the guy who brings this awesome xmas music compilation to you year after year,needs lifesaving surgery ,which he will be going in for on Dec 4th 2024. We are asking that you buy this years Xmastravaganza,and give what you can,and/or give to the gofundme page that has been set up to take care of his surgery costs and follow ups,read the story at this link   Thanks to all that have given and to those who will be giving,and thanks for all prayers and well wishes! Hopefully all goes well and Ed J will be back to continue bringing the world music you will hear nowhere else!  get the compilation here

below are some flyers/ads made for this years compilation found on this facebook page 

Mikey D's stellar Xmas band!!

                                                 Mikey D is a real rastafari!

Thursday, November 14, 2024



Sluggisha Tapes started as a mail order cassette label on this day,November 14th,in 1990,making us 34 years old this year,2024! We have also had a prescence on the web since 2008,everywhere from youtube to bandcamp,archive to blogspot ,soundcloud to the moon! just google "sluggisha" or "sluggisha tapes" to find a huge rabbit hole that you can fall into for all eternity ,for all I care!,ha ha ,just kidding! Im glad you have been here with me for this ride,which i hope continues for a long time to come.Ive recently uploaded a ton of stuff to my youtube and bandcamp pages,with some merch as well,please buy,and help me survive.I hate to beg,and have to come to you and ask for money,but it is a case of life and death,literally!I have reached the milestone of 60 years old this year,and my health is not great but not horrible either. At the current time I need to have sugery on a parotid gland,which is a salivary gland on the right side of my neck. I noticed an egg sized lump there on october 1st.I saw a doctor a few times,and surgery is required,as it is a tumor which may be cancerous. I need 10.000 dollars to have the surgery and pay all the people involved,and the hospital.I left my job 5 and a half years ago,to care for my wife,who has had a few strokes,since 2014.In 2019 she had a bad stroke,and then they found she had a hole in her heart since birth,which they fixed,so no more strokes,but disability still exists.We live on her disability check,i get no money for being her caregiver,and my younger son also has health issues,and has been out of work for nearly 3 years,awaiting disability ruling,and i care for him,as well.So none of us work,and I need to keep myself alive to care for my family.And to keep bringing you great ,weird,underground,music you will hear nowhere else! this is a link to the gofund me page  that my son set up for me. anything will help. ive had small and big donors,and I appreciate all of you out there.please help keep Sluggisha alive.I am trying to get XMASTRAVAGANZA #14 done before I have to have surgery as I will not be able to do much while recovering for weeks,maybe months. lots of complications could arise,losing feeling in face and inability to speak correctly are top fears for me.then ,if i do have cancer,i have to have radiation and chemo,and I really dont think I can do that.I am scared and wish this was all a bad dream,but whenever I reach up and touch my neck,'ol lump is still there,not going away...I hope to make it thru this.c'mon and show me some support.please.