Monday, May 20, 2024

ROSBIF - Total Death

 My new friend ,Michael Potier ,from France ,is a great musical artist,as well as a painter,sculptor,maker of things wonderful and fascinating.Performance artiste extrordinaire,art brut,free jazz,skronk punk this 8 track cd will blow your mind! One of the most interesting people on facebook,he performs live daily on his page ,and shows off his latest creations daily,as well! I am honored to release this on Sluggisha Tapes ,available currently ,direct from factory,shipping differs according to location.You will not be disappointed,I was truly amazed! the link below is to order the disc,all monies go to the artist,as the shipping for 1 cd is like 10 dollars! the cd is only a couple bucks to the artist,shipping is 5 times more than the product!! Michael will hopefully get lots of money from you all out there,and he can place an order for his own copies to sell,give away,keep ,whatever!!! 


or I'll pay you back somehow 


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