the world debut of food's latest project,recorded sept-oct of this year(last month).this is a learning tool from food fortunata,to be distributed to all history classes in the united states.hooked on wheelchair full of old dumb presidents,will be a future curriculum in classrooms across this great land.funny little ditties ,one about each of our 44 presidents,that will make it fun and easy to memorize all the presidents,for fun or that upcoming test on friday!attention parents:get a copy of this to help your child remember the leaders of our nation!a tardcore lesson for all!
How about some early '90s audio porn on a Saturday? Perfect. Pour yourself
a cup of coffee and settle in. Remember when you tried to figure out how to...
6 hours ago
I apologize for doing this. I am not sure what was going through my head. Hopefully it will be educational. I did an awful lot of research on this one...and by that, I mean that I drank a whole bunch of beer. -- Food Fortunata.
Songs about Presidents make me feel broken. This release is well spoken. God Bless America.
- Lunchmeat
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