Friday, December 12, 2008

the BILLY DRAKE band

That's right,you heard it here first,I said the BILLY DRAKE BAND.Actually one night at 5455 we,the 6th Street Muntus were recording.after the first song,Billy stumbled in and started singing,yes Billy started singing,I mean being known as a virtuoso guitarist (mainly known for his work in Myopia and FUCK) and he sings ,man..he rules.he shoulda sung on more stuff cause he's just got that somethin'.You know what I'm sayin'?Anyways check this cool rockin' set from 4/20-21/96.dig it. GOD.


premo-vs.-the world said...

wonder what ever happenned to Billy Drake????

Anonymous said...

not a whole lot...he was living in Cape Coral with his parents, last I heard...