Friday, October 16, 2009

INDUSTRIAL BELT B-38-alien towers

This is Noisekillr and Mr.497,in a 48 minute trip thru their living complex(Alien Towers)and the denizens who frequent the place.this whole soundtrack is from planet A,23rd sector,and this is what it sounds like 24/ living in an otherworldly Las Vegas,though this planet is all living quarters.Planet B,38th sector,where they were originally from,is a vast industrial wasteland,holding only ancient bot and microchip facilities,and the squatters(yes they're still around in the next millenium)who reside there.Not fit for living,which is why we moved.anyway this excursion may have some familiar sounds,but it is just the sound of a forgotten culture,that you have not heard yet!Please do have fun while listening to this.loosen up and let the belt guide you.This is the future.The pic above is our building. 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this,although its not really my cup of tea...

Anonymous said...

yo. sounds great. mr. 497 here